Pop-up artists’ bookshop – the publishers

Jane Faram at Site Gallery is putting together the pop-up artists bookshop that will be at Site Gallery throughout ‘print it’ and alongside our Coracle exhibition. Simon Cutts and Martin Rogers at RGAP have helped compile the list of publishers. Thanks to all of them for taking part. Here they are plus links, where available, to find out more.

This is going to be a rare opportunity to browse and buy books from these leading artist publishers. See you there!

AND publishing, London
Boekie-Woekie, Amsterdam
Bookworks, London
Les Coleman, London
Coracle, Ireland
The Everyday Press, London
John Dilnot, Brighton
Granary Books, New York
information as material, York
Lemonmelon, Italy
Mark Pawson, London
Mass Observation, Sheffield
Preston is my Paris, Preston
Red Fox Press, Ireland
RGAP, Sheffield
Sheffield Publicity Department, Sheffield
Colin Sackett, Devon
Ugly Duckling Presse, New York
Westhouse Books, Sheffield



Bookworks' publication.

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