From the Norwich exhibition comments book

We’ve been looking at the comments book from the Norwich exhibition. What comes up most is that people wished they had more time to spend in the exhibition. Here’s a handful to give an insight into different people’s responses to Printed in Norfolk at The Gallery at NUCA.

‘It was great to handle the books and feel the texture. Wonderful. Thank you.’
‘Absolutely astonishing. I live with 2000 books stacked around me, in the bed with me, the kitchen and on the stairs, but none so beautiful as these. This exhibition introduced me to Coracle and will stay with me for many years.’
‘- great exhibition of book arts a difficult medium to exhibit but done really well here’
‘Amazing collection of printed material. I had never heard of Coracle, Erica, nor Simon. I’ve clearly been missing out. Thank you for enlightening.’
‘Amazing, inspiring. Going straight home to dig out card, string and ink!’
‘Beautiful work could spend days in here.’
‘I like the humour and distinctive presentation.’
‘No Kindle can compete!’

Next stop Sheffield.



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